
Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Tougher Tactics Deter Migrants at U.S. Border - New York Times: "Border Patrol commanders say they see no explanation for the drop-off across the entire 2,000-mile border other than stiffer enforcement deterring migrants. The slackening flow, they argue, belies the conventional wisdom that it is impossible to stem illegal migration. Many veteran officers in the force are now beginning to believe it can be controlled with enough resources.
The new measures range from simply putting more officers out on patrol to erecting stadium lights, secondary fences and barriers of thick steel poles to stop smugglers from racing across the desert in all-wheel-drive trucks. The Border Patrol has deployed hundreds of new guards to watch rivers, monitor surveillance cameras and guard fences. "

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Jay Nordlinger on Impromptus on National Review Online: "I rather liked something Obama said — found it rhetorically, or lexically, smart: Instead of saying “my opponents,” or “my rivals,” he said, “my fellow candidates.” He did so in this sentence: “At least two of my fellow candidates have been campaigning nationally for years.”


Monday, February 12, 2007

OpinionJournal - John Fund on the Trail: "History should teach us to take such claims with more than a grain of salt. While pundits will constantly remind us when they were right, they fall strangely silent when it comes to recalling their missed calls. Let's look at how the presidential field looked some 21 months before the general election, the equivalent point where we are in this cycle, in three previous campaigns. "

Thursday, February 08, 2007

Bloggers on the Bus -- Wednesday, Feb. 07, 2007 -- Printout -- TIME: "Marcotte's pre-Edwards blogging oeuvre may have been provocative and profanity laced, but it was still not far from the mainstream of the blood sport that is political blogging. And there is a welcome wonkishness to Marcotte, who, unlike some star bloggers, is not afraid to parse policy with her readers. Those qualities helped earn Pandagon, which will continue in the care of other bloggers while she's gone, a dedicated and sizable fan base. Marcotte has made it clear to her fans that working for a campaign requires a change in tone. 'I know how the game works,' she wrote in a recent post. 'I'm more interested in helping my candidate win than anything—luckily we see eye to eye on most issues.' "

Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Jonah Goldberg on 2008 & Race on National Review Online: "Again, I think complaints from elite blacks about the overuse of the word “articulate” are well-taken, to a point. However, not only is it not the code word some are making it out to be, Bill and Hillary Clinton, Al Gore, and even Biden himself are routinely described as “articulate,” and President Bush is relentlessly dubbed “inarticulate,” yet nobody thinks that means he’s being called “black.”"

Tuesday, February 06, 2007

A Second Hand Conjecture » AP: Spinning for the Democrats- Updated Again and Again: "Actually this is just spin. The Democrats actually want to end debate and vote on the resolution. What the Republicans are arguing for is keeping debate open and considering other resolutions. That of course might make passing the proposed resolution less likely, which is what they are trying to avoid."

Monday, February 05, 2007

The Hillary Spot on National Review Online: "Aw, heck, why don't they just introduce a resolution declaring, 'We, the Senate, like all the good parts of the war and disapprove of all the bad parts. We demand all credit for anything that goes right, and reject any blame for anything that goes wrong'?"

Friday, February 02, 2007

Instapundit.com -

"THE BIG GLOBAL WARMING PUSH IS UNDERWAY: I won't take it seriously until they ban private jets and stretch limos.

No, seriously. A Gulfstream III releases 10,000 pounds of carbon dioxide an hour. How can we demand "sacrifice" from ordinary Americans when our leaders -- including those who call for the sacrifice -- are flying in jets like this? If commercial first-class isn't good enough, they should stay home."

Thursday, February 01, 2007

RealClearPolitics - Articles - The Ugly American: "But, mostly, it is intellectual laziness. It is always easier to cite America's flaws to applause than to take the time to explain the nature of its rare morality to catcalls. In truth, the United States has never been richer or more generous. Its military is preeminent, protects vulnerable allies and fights extremism worldwide. Immigrants risk their lives to reach our shores.

But we are in a deep spiritual crisis when a recent candidate for our presidency either cannot, or will not, patiently explain that to the world. Instead, Sen. Kerry, the new ugly American abroad, glibly misleads a global audience that his own America is a 'pariah' -- a verdict that is as embarrassing to us as it is stupid for him."

State aid may end for tony towns: "While most Westchester and Putnam municipalities would see at least slight increases in their state aid, 13 communities in wealthier areas would have their funding eliminated.

'I don't like it,' said Mamaroneck Supervisor Valerie Moore O'Keeffe. The town's state aid would drop from $145,567 in 2006-2007 to zero in the upcoming fiscal year.

'It is inequitable,' O'Keeffe said. 'People in each municipality, especially in Mamaroneck, send a lot of money to the state in income taxes and other taxes. To be left out seems inequitable.'

State budget officials said a total of 81 municipalities outside of New York City were eliminated from the AIM program because the money represented less than 1 percent of their budgets and their average per-capita property values exceeded the state average by 250 percent.

Other local communities that saw their funding eliminated include Bedford, Bronxville, Harrison, Larchmont, Lewisboro, New Castle, North Castle, North Salem, Pelham Manor, Pound Ridge, Rye Brook and Scarsdale."

State aid may end for tony towns: "While most Westchester and Putnam municipalities would see at least slight increases in their state aid, 13 communities in wealthier areas would have their funding eliminated.

'I don't like it,' said Mamaroneck Supervisor Valerie Moore O'Keeffe. The town's state aid would drop from $145,567 in 2006-2007 to zero in the upcoming fiscal year.

'It is inequitable,' O'Keeffe said. 'People in each municipality, especially in Mamaroneck, send a lot of money to the state in income taxes and other taxes. To be left out seems inequitable.'

State budget officials said a total of 81 municipalities outside of New York City were eliminated from the AIM program because the money represented less than 1 percent of their budgets and their average per-capita property values exceeded the state average by 250 percent.

Other local communities that saw their funding eliminated include Bedford, Bronxville, Harrison, Larchmont, Lewisboro, New Castle, North Castle, North Salem, Pelham Manor, Pound Ridge, Rye Brook and Scarsdale."

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