
Sunday, October 03, 2004

The New York Times

I have the misfortune of only reading NYT news coverage on the weekend as my sources of conservative news- WSJ, NYSun - are weekday publications. National Review goes to an apparent one-bone skeleton crew ont he weekends to boot.

As a result, I am captive of the NYT POV/spin/emphasis, but I read this yesterday in the NY Daily News on the Editorial Page (Sorry no link yet):

President Bush collecting himself...driving home several points he let slip away.....Kerry is delusional if he thinks calling some high-minded Iraqi summit is going to fast solve anything....on one hand insists global competition vis-a-vis Iraq but ....strictly bilateral ...North Korea...is a man who is, um, contradicting himself...Well, that's what Kerry does: contradict himself again and again...instant polls and most of reader mail...Kery stomped Bush real good...Let the smoke clear, though...Kerry is not w/o a legit message or two, but, by and large, he is refutable.....essentially no more tangible than "I can do it beter than you whatever it is you're doing"

Ouch from the liberal counterpart to the NYPost.

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